

最後更新日期 : 2022-04-25

摘自文化部《第六屆公共藝術獎專輯》─環境融合獎(Environmental Integration Award)

國立東華大學位處花東縱谷平原上,佔地面積 251公頃,湖光山色的環境,豐富多變的場域,透過知名建築家 Charles Moore 設計具後現代風格的校園規劃。校區內除建築體及公共設施外,其餘校地均保持綠帶,儘量以不破壞原有的動、植物生態為目標,讓本校擁有自然生態的景觀及全國大學中最優美的校園。此外,本校具備多元的院系及人文藝術資源,被譽為花東縱谷的學術殿堂,教學研究各項成就,屢獲名列於國內外大學排行榜,如《泰晤士報高等教育專刊》、《QS亞洲大學排名》⋯⋯等,顯見本校辦學績效已獲各界肯定。






Public Art Project for National Dong Hwa University Acceptance Letter

National Dong Hwa University sits on the plain of the East Rift Valley. The area of the university reaches 251 hectares and encompasses a beautiful landscape of lakes and mountains as well as rich, diverse sites. Designed by the renowned architect Charles Moore, the planning of the campus shows a distinctive postmodern style. Other than school buildings and public facilities, the rest of the campus is kept as a green belt designed with the objective of preserving its original ecology with flora and fauna. Therefore, the university proudly owns one of the most beautiful and natural landscape and campus among all universities in Taiwan. Moreover, the diverse faculties as well as humanity and art resources have won the university a fine academic reputation among others in the East Rift Valley. The achievements in education and research have put the university on domestic and international lists of university rankings, including Times Higher Education and QS World University Rankings, which are recognitions of the university's endeavors.

The realization and installation of this public art project aimed to allow each artwork to demonstrate Its original spirit and creative qualities while being incorporated into the environment to generate dialogues of artistic value. It is hoped that the Installation of public artworks can highlight the function of education, create interactions among artworks, people and the environment as well as advance aesthetic education. Another objective is to motivate all teachers and students to steadfastly pursue knowledge, ideals and honor the spirit of freedom and democracy.

To create a close connection between the public artworks and the campus, some of the artworks are not only aesthetic objects that display visual beauty but also functional objects in daily life. Using large stones excavated during the construction projects on the campus, the university has re-purposed the stones and combined artists’ creativity to give them a new life, turning these stones into functional art furniture. Also, the realization of the public art projects was also incorporated with the color design of indicator system and the creation of aesthetic space, which enabled an ingenious combination of art and life on campus. All the public artworks are like jewel stones and pearls scattered on the campus. They speak a wide range of artistic vocabularies that interact with the environment with their respective beauty and create a multi-layered aesthetics. All people that pass through this area in any given time will be immersed in the effect of aesthetic education and can appreciate the value of constructing aesthetic campuses, demonstrating the mutual benefits of integrating public art into the environment and transforming the campus.

The installation of public art in the university is the result of the collective endeavors of several presidents, which has blossomed at this moment. We thank the university's Office of General Affairs and the College of Art for their collaborative efforts. We especially express our gratitude to the Ministry of Culture and all the jury committee members for the honor and recognition and awarding National Dong Hwa University. It has enabled more people to share this artistic achievement and illuminated the spirit of public art.
