
永恆的時刻|A Moment of Eternity



The sculpture has the shape of a blooming flower, like the lotus symbol of Hualien, it is made of a half sphere in the bottom and seven pyramids aiming toward the sky like the mountains where the stone came from. The whole form reminds a seed or an egg starting to open,or a drop of water at the moment of touching the ground. This simple form withholds in his inner space the potential of growth, and achievement. But the seed needs favorable outside conditions or fertile soil in order to reach his goal, the blooming is a result of a seed pushed by all the powers of nature toward his destiny, this beautiful short and fragile moment of achievement, creating the endless circle of life.


作者 Artist| 艾瑞爾·穆索維奇 Ariel Moscovici

年份 Year| 2012

材質 Medium| 大理石 marble

尺寸 Dimensions| H 270  x W 150 x D 150 cm


