
芽音|Sound of the Bud



Describing the emotional attachment among creatures, germination represents the beginning of everything. Because of giving care in the most critical moment could grow and thrive, the school education provide buds nutrients, sunlight and gardener. This piece of work is intended to express the seeds dormancy for a long time and the continuation of life is endless. The school is like mother earth giving birth and embracing new lives. The sound of joy accompanies the awakening of morning dew herald the break.


作者 Artist| 李紫晴 Lee,Zih-Cing

年份 Year| 2012

材質 Medium| 砂岩、白大理石 sandstone, white marble

尺寸 Dimensions|A: 230 x 90 x 80cm / B: 40 x 40 x 60cm / C: 40 x 40 x 70cm

